Thursday, May 8, 2008

Spending my time

I'm Damaris, I'm from Ecuador and I'm 19 years old. I study in the BA University.
My time

I use my time in different things as the school, my time with God, my relax, my sleeping, etc.
A week have only 168 hours, and I distrube this for my things in this way:

Activity Hours at week

Seleeping 50
Studying at school 40
Studying at home 25
Funny and relax 13
God's time 10
Percussion musical instrument 10
Business 10
Help at home 10
Sometimes I wish a week has more than 168 hours.

Has you can see, I use my time sleeping in a 26% for week, round about 50 hours, more than 7 hours each day, I always sleep like a log.

After that, I take 40 hours by stunding at BA University, round about 24% of my time, ahead, is studyng at home, for this I use 25 hours, round about 3:30 hours each day, this represent the 15% of a week.

My funny and relax, indispensable in my life, use 13 hours at week, the 8% of my time. And, the most important, my time with God, I give him not much time, this isn't just... among others activities on weekdays.

What do you think, how I manage my time?

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