Thursday, April 17, 2008

An art, an precision sport

The man has used archery since the beginning of the story initially to hunt and defend themselves in war and in modern times, such as sport.

In Africa were found stone arrowheads of more than 50,000 years old and archery has been used by almost all civilizations that inhabited the land.

Not many Olympic sports hold this important heritage!

An archer in Egypt , 7,500 BC

The Agincourt Battle

Outline of Leonardo da Vinci

This sport integrated the tests in the Olympic Games of 1900, 1904, 1908 and 1920.

Later one interrupted until, in Munich of 1972, she returned again to be Olympic sport, for men and women, in the Olympic Games.

And it was modernized in 1992 to adapt to the times and the interests. The competition is realised regulated by the Federation the International of Shot with Arc.

The shot with arc as it deports amateur was practiced for a long time, especially in England. The match of shot with older arc, and than still is celebrated, it is known like Ancient Scorton Arrow, and it began in Yorkshire in 1673; on 1781 the Royal Toxophilite was Women competing based (term that comes from the Greek, toxon, “arc”; philos, longbowAt the Olympic “loving”, “friend”) Society, to support and to promote this popular games in 1908.

Some thing else...

The Zen buddhism considered to this type of practices as the best form to reach the concentration and the meditation: “We must put the mind in target and feel us arc; therefore it only shoots with an arrow will give in the right point” related an Eastern monk.

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