Monday, February 25, 2008

Switzerland a wonderfull country...!


The flower clock in the English Garden

Switzerland is located on the European continent. Switzerland is a beautiful country because it has very places wonderfull how the flower clock in Geneva's city.

Switzerland has three official languages: German (63% according to 2000 Census) in the north, east and centre of the country; French (20.4%) to the west; Italian (6.5%) in the south. The currency of this country is the Franco.

Switzerland has a stable modern mixed market economy. Banking, tourism, pharmaceuticals and chemicals are important industries in Switzerland.

Resident foreigners and temporary foreign workers make up about 21% if the population.

The culture of Switzerland is influenced by its neigbours and its internacional sentiment, but oven the years a distinctive culture with some regional differences and an independent streak has developed.

Switzerland has no official state religion, though most of the cantons, except Geneva and Neuchatel, recognise official churches, in all cases including the catholic church and the swiss reformed church. Christianity is the predominant religion of switzerland, divided between the catholic church and various protestant denominations. Immigration has brought Islam.

Developed by: Nadia Saca Valencia.

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